Saturday, December 22, 2007

The holiday season is upon us, and in all the hustle and bustle of activity that comes with it, I would like us to remember four "F" words that hopefully mark this season for all of us. Family, Friends, Freedom, and Faith. Family - Turning our hearts to home is important for all of us. Remembering and caring for those who care for us is one of the important hallmarks of this season. Friendship, fellowship, and kindred spirits are priceless, and we hope that this coming year brings even more of it to our SAR gatherings. Freedom , as we know, is never free, and as descendants of those who fought and died to establish our country, we want to remain vigilant against complacency in this day and age, and remember the faithful, living and deceased, whose sacrifice enables us to remain free. And finally faith, belief in something greater than ourselves. Whether our faith encompasses religion, or ideals, patriotism, or faith in the common good, we can all take time to nurture it in this holiday season.

Don't forget our next SAR Meeting - January 19, 9:30-11:00 at Andersons in Buellton.

Happy Holidays - Ron

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The November 17th meeting of the S.B. SAR began at the El Presidio Restaurant in Santa Barbara. Because the restaurant was a bit loud, we postponed the meeting portion of the day until after lunch. We then moved the meeting to the Presidio, and re-convened in front of the CSSAR plaque on the statue of King Carlos. The S.B. Trust for Historic Preservation graciously set up chairs for us to use. After the opening ceremonies, LTJG John M. Landsberg gave a presentation on the Naval Sea Cadet Corps. The Sea Cadet Corps is a program for young men and women ages 13 - 17 who are interested in developing their skills in leadership, basic seamanship, courage, self-reliance, military discipline and are committed to being drug and gang free. The program does not include a commitment for future military service. The Santa Barbara NSCC was commissioned last year, and currently has 23 cadets participating. Information on the Sea Cadet program may be found at We voted to present 2 outstanding cadets of the program, Cody Roberts, and Joshua Rademacher, a commendation award from the SAR at their December meeting.

Compatriot George Frakes then gave a very interesting overview of the substantial Spanish contribution to the American Revolutionary War effort. This support involved Spain supplying money and materials, as well as thousands of Spanish troops who engaged in direct combat with British troops throughout the Americas. Just one of the interesting facts presented by Mr. Frakes was that Spain, and King Carlos supplied thousands of uniforms to the early Contenental Army, including one of the first ones worn by General George Washington. This support of the colonies by the Spanish army and navy was the reason for including the Santa Barbara Presidio as a Historic Revolutionary War site. As is stated on the plaque,(see below) "The Royal Spanish Military Encampment on this Presidio site supported the American Colonies with their military preparedness and financial contributions following the Royal Spanish Decree of 1779-1780."

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10. The next meeting of the chapter is to be at Andersens restaurant in Buellton at 9:30 AM on January 19, 2008.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Transcription of the CSSAR Plaque at the Santa Barbara Presidio, dedicated Nov. 2, 2007

"American Revolutionary War Historical Site, 1782 - 1783

-The Royal Spanish Military Encampment on this Presidio site supported the American Colonies with their military preparedness and financial contributions following the Royal Spanish Decree of 1779-1780.

Their support directly aided the victory and ultimate independence of the United States of America.

Proclaimed on November 2, 2007 by the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution"

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The California State Sons of the American Revolution Managers meeting in Santa Barbara was quite an event indeed. Thursday evening, Nov. 1, at the Mar Monte Hotel there was a reception and buffet. Approximately 60 members of the CSSAR were there from all over the state, as well as a few national representatives as well. There were hors d'oeuvres, getting to meet people, and entertainment. The next morning was the business meeting for the Managers. It was recessed at 11:30 so that the members could get lunch and re-convene at the Santa Barbara Presidio for the dedication of a plaque on the statue of King Carlos. The plaque commemorates the Spanish support and help during the Revolutionary War. With color guard, musket salute, and cannon, the dedication ceremony was a colorful tribute to the occasion. The activities returned to the Mar Monte for an evening meal, and special speaker, Karen Schultz Anderson, the Director of Education for the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation. The evening concluded with Presentations and Awards given by Karl Jacobs, President of the CSSAR. The evening was concluded with a benediction by Dr. Phillip Dodson, State Chaplain, and the recessional by the color guard.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What a great meeting at Andersens in Buellton Saturday, Oct. 20th. Thank-you to everyone who came out. I think we discovered that a meeting in the center of the County works very well for our society. At that meeting, we had 6 attendees from Santa Barbara, 5 from Santa Maria, 3 from Solvang, 2 from Lompoc, and 1 each from Buellton, Ballard, & Santa Ynez. That is a pretty good cross-section of our county, and no one had to drive more than a half-hour or so to get to the meeting. I apologize for the conflict with the Mayflower Society's semi-annual meeting that occured on that same day. I realize that some of our members could not attend for that reason. Perhaps next time we can plan ahead, and vary the time or date to avoid that conflict.

We could have adjourned the meeting after the lunch, and it would have been a great success. We all had a good time of getting to know one-another, making new friendships, and strengthening old ones. Susan Clack, the Regent of the Henry Sweetser Chapter of the DAR was in attendance, as were 5 prospective new members. It was a very diverse and interesting group.

The focus of the meeting was on tracking our ancestry, both the genealogy aspect of it, as well as the documenting of our sources for the SAR application. I gave a presentation on my own journey to find and document my ancestors, and some of the resources that I used. We then had expert advice and comments from Jan Morgan, the genealogist for the Santa Maria DAR, and Manor Thorpe, the SAR Registrar from our own chapter. Both individuals are extremely knowledgeable and valuable resources for DAR and SAR members. Pamphlets, brochures, and booklets were also available for guests to take with them. The presentations were accompanied by sharing from members, and a question and answer time.

The meeting began at 12:00, was adjourned at 2:30, however, many stayed until 3:00 talking with the experts, and getting more specific information.

Our next meeting will take place on Nov. 17. The location is TBA. We were scheduled to use the Sizzler Restaurant in Goleta, but it has assumed new ownership, and they have decided to charge us a room charge in addition to our meals, even though we've been meeting there for years. We probably won't be doing that, and I'll let you know where the next meeting will be as soon as we reserve the room.

Don't forget that the CSSAR Board of Managers Meeting is at the Hotel Mar Monte in Santa Barbara on Nov. 2. A link to information on that meeting is available on our website.

Signing off for now,
Ron Zell

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Just a word about the next meeting of the SAR in Buellton. This will be a good opportunity for visitors and friends, especially from the Valley, or North County, to come and find out about the SAR, and see who we are, what we do, and how to become a member. Besides information on the SAR, here will be membership applications, and resources that can be used to help document ancestry. In addition, there will be a presentation of the Veterans History Project.
Hope to see you there,


Monday, October 1, 2007

The next meeting of the Santa Barbara County SAR is Saturday, October 20, at 12:00 at the Buellton "Andersons" restaurant. The focus of this meeting is an overview/review of what is required to become a member of the SAR. One of our members will give an overview of the variety of research tactics, strategies, and resources that were used to document one of their ancestors, and their own entrance in the SAR. We will have information from and about local historical and genealogical societies that can assist applicants in their search for documentation of their own ancestors. See you there
Ron Zell

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Presidents Report,

Today is a day that marks new beginnings. It is a new beginning in the sense that this is the first meeting that I chair as President of the Santa Barbara Chapter of the SAR, and it is new for you to have entrusted me with this role. This day also marks another new beginning. 40 years ago this week, September 9, 1967, the Santa Barbara chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution was born. The long history, good work, and faithful service of the members of this chapter is noteworthy and commendable. The generous giving of time, talent, and treasure to the community by the members of this chapter is the core, and obvious fabric of what this chapter has always been, and will continue to be.
This summer I had the opportunity to meet, and work with some of the long-time members, and to go over some of the many, many pages of community service projects, memorials, and gifts that constitute the history of this chapter. My hope and goal for my time as president is to continue the tradition that has been so solidly built. It is my desire however, that while we build on the past, we find new ways in the present to serve the communities in which we live. New ways to carry on the proud work of the SAR. New ways of honoring, and perpetuating the people and events of the American Revolution. New ways of supporting and maintaining the ideals and institutions of American Freedom. And new ways of promoting fellowship among each other, the descendants of Revolutionary War Patriots. We are a living link to that past. As such, we have the unique opportunity to be a powerful voice in our culture today. A voice that will make a difference in the future. A voice that will preserve the ideals, and principles of the founding fathers, so that they are never forgotten, or set aside, or trivialized.
Finding ways to communicate our message and to make it come alive in the culture in which we live is no small challenge, but it is my challenge to you. I will be asking for suggestions from this membership for ways to make our voice heard. For service projects to perform, events to sponsor, and educational opportunities to pursue that promote Patriotism, help overcome the historical amnesia of our times, and provide educational opportunities for our youth. By constantly seeking new opportunities to serve in these capacities, the Santa Barbara SAR will honor and continue the proud tradition that was begun by this chapter 40 years ago, and we will continue to honor our heritage as descendants of Patriots.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I want to remind members, and anyone interested in the SAR, that our next meeting is September 15, Saturday, at 12:00. It is at the Sizzler restaurant in Goleta and we will be having a special speaker, Mr. Ole Pederson. Mr. Pederson, an American History teacher from Orcutt Junior High School, is the 2008 Santa Barbara County Teacher of the Year. We will also be celebrating our 40th anniversary as a chapter, and we will have a short business meeting after our lunch. The cost of the lunch buffet is $15 for members and guests. As far as the business meeting, any members that would like to have items included in our agenda are asked to email them to me at I will send the agenda out with a letter of invitation to all members two weeks prior to our meeting.
I am looking forward to the CSSAR Business Managers Meeting in Santa Barbara on Nov. 1 & 2. There will be a dedication on Friday afternoon at the Presidio. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I received this message from the California State SAR a couple of days ago. If any SBSAR members would like to attend, email with an RSVP and what you will bring.

Hear ye hear ye!
All So. Cal SAR Chapters are invited to our Orange County Chapter, California Society,
Sons of the American Revolution Fourth Annual Summer Barbeque and Potluck

When: Saturday, Aug 25, 2007, Noon to 4:00 p.m.

Where: Home of John & Karen Dodd, “Rancho Rosa”. Directions on Page 2 (Note: Yahoo & Mapquest are wrong as to house location, and you can’t get onto Highcliff from Newport Blvd.). Park on Highcliff, unless you need assistance walking distances. If so, pull in the gates and park inside.

Why: To enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of your fellow compatriots from around the Southland and get to know each other better.

The Orange County Chapter will supply the main course (burgers, ribs and smoked turkey), as well as
chips, salsa & munchies. Please bring either a salad, side dish, or dessert, and your favorite beverage(s). Please let us know which using the attached RSVP form (Page 3).

John & Karen Dodd
10072 Highcliff Dr.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Compatriot John Morehart. John passed away on July 13, 2007. A funeral Mass will be held for him at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Montecito on Thursday, July 19 at 10:30 a.m. He has been a member of the Sons of the American Revolution since 1985. Jack is survived by his wife of 63 years, Frannie, nine children, twenty-five grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Though he is gone, he is not forgotten. Rest Eternal.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our thanks to the Kern County Color Guard, for allowing us to ride with them for the "Spirt of 76 Parade" in Santa Barbara on the 4th of July. Here I am talking with President Jim Claxton, and others before the parade.

Compatriot Ted Sands informs me that the CSSAR has set the date for the fall Board of Managers meeting in Santa Barbara at Nov. 1 & 2 at the Hotel Mar Monte. We'll have to make sure to have any members who can attend those meetings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I have just been going through some early SAR papers that Jim North, our treasurer, gave to me. I came across something that I had been looking for, our charter as a chapter. The date of the charter was September 9, 1967, which makes this year our 40th anniversary. Now that we know that, we can plan appropriate celebrations for the occasion. I suppose that our September 15 meeting would be the most appropriate. Please contact me if you have suggestions.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

If you are in Santa Barbara for the 4th of July, the Santa Barbara Sons of the American Revolution will have an entry in the "Spirit of 76" parade. Stop by, and say hello, and have a great Fourth.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Its the time of year that our country stops, and celebrates the 231st anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Don't forget to display the American Flag to commemorate our national pride and to foster a sense of civic involvement. Here is a copy of the Declaration of Independence just in case you would like to read it again:

or listen to it:

If you live in or around Santa Barbara County, there are a number of great events available to help you remember and celebrate.  If you are looking for where or when, here are a couple of websites giving the time and location of many of them:

Have a great 4th of July - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In this location very soon, I hope to include podcasts that will allow us to listen to some of our members relate their stories, and share their wealth of knowledge about our patriot ancestors.
The chapter bylaws have been posted for members to review. At our next meeting we will go over the bylaws for any possible revision or changes.
The Patriot roster is completed and posted on the second page of the website. As of now, it is up-to-date for the membership. Hopefully, no one has been missed. Please leave a comment if you find any errors or omissions.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

From the looks of it, this site will work well as the official website for the Santa Barbara SAR. It is now listed under "Chapter Information" in the CSSAR site, and is soon to be included in local DAR weblinks.

In the very near future, I will post the Patriot Roster of our membership to the second page on the site, as well as links to the pension papers of some of them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This is the first draft of a proposed website for the Santa Barbara County SAR. The purpose of this site will be to publish information on upcoming events, services, and items of educational, historical, and civic interest.