Saturday, January 24, 2009

Minutes of the January, 2009 Meeting of the SBSAR.
The meeting was held at Andersens Restaurant in Buellton. The meeting began with brunch and informal discussion at 11:00. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 with the opening ceremony and comments by the President. Unfinished Business included followup on the Patriots Day Essay Contest. Ron Zell shared the posting and rules and requirements of the essay contest. These may be viewed at the "Home Page" of the SAR website. Click on 'Patriots Day essay contest'. Each school will receive a copy by Monday morning.

Discussion was held as to the details of the Patriots day event. It was decided that a ceremony would be held at the Presidio by the SAR Plaque on April 18. Prizes would be awarded to the winners of the essay contest, and the first-prize winner would be asked to read the winning essay. After that event, the membership will reassemble at a separate location to continue with the regular meeting and refreshments.

Chapter business matters were discussed and voted on, and a reminder was made to all members that yearly dues are now due. Information as to where and how to submit dues may be requested at the Chapter email address at

The Meeting was adjourned at 12:55 P.M
Minutes Novembers Meeting;

The November meeting of the Santa Barbara Chapter of the SAR was held at Madam Lu's Restaurant in Santa Barbara. The meeting began at 12:00 with lunch from the menu. At 12:45 the meeting was called to order by President Ron Zell. An invocation was followed by the opening ceremony.

Under New Business there was discussion of ways to highlight, and celebrate "Patriots Day" which is on April 19. Suggestions were offered, and agreement was reached that a good way to highlight the event and bring it to the attention of students would be to have an essay contest for 8th graders. A prize of a $500.00 Savings Bond, for 1st place, $100.00 bond for second place, and a $50.00 bond for third place would be offered. The prize would be awarded at a public ceremony on or about Patriots day, Sunday - April 19, 2009. Suggestions for places to hold the ceremony were the Courthouse steps in Santa Barbara, the SAR Plaque at the Presidio, across from the Post Office, or at a BBQ held in Tuckers Grove. Followup was given to Ron Zell to pursue the essay with the Schools in Santa Barbara County.

Ted Sands was nominated, and accepted the nomination for Secretary of the Chapter. Transfer of duties will occur when chapter records are transferred from the previous Secretary.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:40