Sunday, May 22, 2011

Notes from May 21 Meeting

The May meeting of the S.B. Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution was held in the meeting room of the Santa Barbara Genealogy Society, 229 W. Montecito St, Santa Barbara Ca.  The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M.  After the opening ceremonies, the chapter voted and  unanimously approved the election of  Mr. Don Loper as Chapter Vice President. Don was then officially installed as Vice-President of the Santa Barbara Chapter.  A vote to amend the bylaws was taken to amend Article 5 Section 1 to change the date of chapter dues date from "January to March", to "November to December" of each year for the next calendar years dues.  Article 5 Section 3 was amended to change the fiscal reporting period of the chapter from "April to March" - to a calendar year basis - i.e.; "Jan 1 to Dec. 31",   A motion was made, seconded, and approved that the Chapter donate a specified amount to the S.B. Genealogy Society to provide for a permanent  table in the new library which will contain a plaque recognizing the Chapter and containing contact information. A presentation regarding the new Library expansion, which included a tour of the new facility was given by Mr. Art Sylvester with Ms. Jan Cloud of the Genealogy Society.  Members of the Chapter will participate in the 4th of July 'Spirit of 76' parade in Santa Barbara.  The next meeting of the chapter will be a business meeting and BBQ on July 16 beginning at noon.   A reminder was given for members to check the website frequently for information on current and upcoming  National, State, and local S.A.R. events. Also on the website,  it will soon be possible for members and friends to donate to the society through a donation button.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P.M.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thanks to World War II Vets

I was sent this video and asked to share it.  I am more than glad to do so.  The goal of the sponsoring organization is to have the video viewed by 50,000 people by Memorial Day.  Hopefully it will give us all  a moment of inspiration to reflect, thank, and honor those who gave so much.

Ron Zell, President, Santa Barbara Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution

This one is here because it is just awesome - enjoy