Friday, April 26, 2013

I want to begin by thanking each of you for your support during the years of my Presidency.  Working with you has been a privilege that I am humbly grateful to you all for.  In those years, we have seen a number of things happen, and number of members pass on.  The preserving of the memory of our compatriots, and of our patriot ancestors  and keeping their spirits alive is one of our sacred trusts as a chapter.  It is  one that we all hold dearly as we work to preserve not only the memories, but also the ideals and principles of our ancestors that our country was built upon.  

Don Loper is the newly elected President of the Chapter, and as we look to his leadership in the future,  I ask that you give him your support and cooperation in every way possible.  

One of the events that Don has worked hard on is the upcoming Flag-day celebration on June 14.  Don has secured the speaker for the event, and the participation of the Vandenberg color guard and honor guard.  Information for this event is available here.  This Flag-Day celebration in June 14 is a great opportunity for our chapter to get involved, and get noticed for our work in providing and supporting historical, educational, and patriotic celebrations and events. It is in that regard that I want to  encourage us all to get involved with the chapter as we reach out and make others aware of the SAR, and  find additional ways to serve the communities in which we live with the Spirit of the SAR.  

Be sure and check our web page for information on the SAR and on upcoming  meetings and events.

God Bless. 
Ron Zell